Dear the person I shared my mother's womb with,
In a gruesome world filled with iniquity and melancholy,
You were always the one to give me an incentive to grin.
In nights packed with the terror of being left unchaperoned,
Wasn't it you who held my hand and guided me to the fireflies?
You were the luminescent to my murk and the antiseptic to my wounds.
Among my friends, you were the most veracious one I ever possessed.
And now that you've gone,
The nights seem to be longer and the fireflies seem to have evanesced.
The bruises bleed more and the globe is back with it's atrocities.
Now that you've gone,
My right hand yearns for your left hand and my eyes pule for your glimpse.
Now that you've gone,
I'm left in torment and solitude.
The big round pillow isn't adequate to fill your absence in nights.
And my dear sweetheart, don't you weep for me the way I do for you?
We shared the same womb and now isn't your heart in fragments when we don't share the same residence?
Now that you have gone to live in a distant land, who feeds you Chapattis the way I did?
Who pats your head at night like an elder sister and sings for you?
Who plays "teacher teacher" with you?
Who loves you more than me?
Darling, you still are there in the organ that beats in the chest
You still sleep beside me in the form of a photograph.
But isn't it weakening sometimes?
Not being able to sit together and laugh at our own jokes?
Not being able to fight for silly causes and then apologize over and over again?
Not being able to cry in each other's arms?
Dear the person I shared my mother's womb with,
Wake me up and tell me it's just a bad dream.
