Miss Earth wasn't happy, for long she remained sad and depressed, so one fine day Mr Jupiter had asked "What happened my friend, where is your happiness lost?"

Miss Earth didn't respond but when all her other friends also asked her the same question and even old aged Mr Sun in a splendid baritone asked her, she could not control her emotions and said "I am sad because my own relatives, my people residing inside me have forgotten me. They do not celebrate my presence. I am worthless for them now."

Old Mr Sun came near her and said "Don't worry we are also like a family,we appreciate your presence." Miss Earth replied "I am glad to be with you all, but those who are residing inside me, they must also appreciate my presence."
All of them tried to cheer up Miss Earth but all went in vain.

Looking at the pity condition of Miss Earth, old Mr Sun contacted a person residing inside Earth whom he considered as the best person of that time, Mr Nelson. He heard everything very diligently and assured Mr Sun that he would try his best to give Miss Earth her due respect. Mr Nelson worked hard day and night, consulted with eminent people, had many debates and discussions and at last with the agreement of everyone, took the decision of celebrating April 22 as Earth day every year. Mr Nelson contacted Mr Sun and gave him the good news. Mr Sun announced the surprise to everyone but not to Miss Earth.

On the day of April 22, 1970 when suddenly everyone residing inside Miss Earth started enjoying and thanking Miss Earth, she became so happy that she could not express her happiness, she was just speechless. Old Mr Sun understood it and blessed Miss Earth and again in a baritone said "Remember, people residing in you are very busy, during their daily life commitments,they might forget you at times, so it is your duty to make them realise your presence, I won't be able to make this happen always. May God bless you my child." Miss Earth understood what her grandpa like figure Mr Sun wanted to deliver, but for now she was happy and so she enjoyed the moment with her friends and thanked Mr Sun and Mr Nelson for everything they did for her.

Story by: @Sayanee Mukherjee
I wishmore if creative content comes up to make people aware about such important issues ..it will surely work wonders..thank you for adding something beautiful to this day..Happy Earth Day from my end...Good luck🌼🌼