Tell me who we are.
Aren't we the innocent minds of our childhood times
when we had nothing to worry for;
when the vagaries of this world
was a total stranger to us?
We are the teenage love stories
which we relished with all our heart, unaware of the fact that, those were
just our infatuations, and not love.
We are the blissful evenings
of some hot summer afternoons,
when we used to be the carefree souls.
We never bothered to observe
the beauty of the horizon
where the sun sinks to sleep.
We never cared to understand life.
We are
the moments, that we have created out of
laughter, happiness, fights and affection
with our siblings and our family.
We are also the faces of the phases
when we have known loss and longing,
loneliness and death of our loved ones.
We are the happiness and the sadness,
the failures and the achievements,
the heartbreaks, the hard times
and the rejections.
We are the survivors of our battles.
We are the moon, the stars and the sky.
We are the waters and the woods,
the mountains and the tall trees,
the dusty countryside roads,
the memory lanes...
the misty mornings and the silent nights.
In us lingers a fragrance;
of places we have been
and the things we have seen.
We are the essence of our own lives.
While in the process
of our growing and maturing,
we become the moments and the memories,
of our lives and of the times that we have lived.
We are our destiny's innocent slave;
unaware of what it holds,
yet we immerse in it.
Copyright Shaheen Akhtar.