The world of fantasy,
Or the dreamy world,
These world's are not real,
But still we love them.
No, we are not mad,
But yes we love being mad to follow dream,
Our mental health is normal,
But we can't come out of that world,
We are engulfed in it,
We are working for it.
Our ambitions,
Parent's wish,
Our beliefs,
People's perception,
Our passion,
And what not,
Bound us to work for that world,
Yes, we do it by our will,
We do it right?
Am I happy in the world I live?
Or am I working to get my dreamed world?
Growing up to follow passion,
But am taking education,
Just to get an occupation,
A profession,
Almost decided by parents,
Decided by parents by my choice,
That just not complicated to understand,
It is really complicated,
Even for the person.
The smile in my face,
Is it fake or real?
I am still confused,
It is not that,
I was not given choices,
By my prioritise,
Were never in the option,
I am not blaming anyone,
But I can't find,
Whose is the fault?
Some say everything is fine,
It is just in my mind.
Some feel,
These are my mood swings,
Just because of the age.
I am not sure,
They might be right,
But I feel barred,
Though I cannot see the bars,
It is not an anxiety disorder,
But something is out of order,
It might be my worries for future,
I don't know why,
But I am not the lone victim of it,
It is a phase of life,
That like me, many need to face,
I am just waiting for the perfect time,
For the time when my questions will get answered,
And I will be free of all tension.