We have many feelings in life,
But most of those,
Flow out smoothly,
Just with tears.
Tears are generalised with sadness,
But even happiness is shown through tears,
Joy is expressed through tears,
Love is expressed through tears.
The bright colours of tears are for happiness,
Just black and white will represent tears of sadness,
The deep bloody red tears will be for pain,
And the light pink tears will shower for the love we gain.
We don't see these colour,
As they are hidden,
Water is colourless,
But tears are exceptional.
The tears turn blue,
Just not in emoji,
But even in true,
When we are alone,
And need a fellow,
The blue tears are those,
Which flow out when we cry,
At night just holding tight the pillow.
Tears turn green,
When we see a new thing,
Not only in objects,
Also in real life,
When a baby is born,
Or when a farmer,
Views his new grown corn.
Tears turn yellow,
When we see a bright future,
Of ourselves or our close ones,
And feel blessed to be one of all,
Those who are God's blessed ones.
The same tears turn cardinal red,
When it flows in the cardiac,
But doesn't come in eyes,
As those tears are of broken heart or of anger,
And these tears get vaporized,
In the path from heart to eyes.
Tears have categories,
But we don't understand,
Because when they flow,
We also flow with them.