My journey ....
I cried and cried with thoughts which said -
"You aren't capable and you should be dead "
But, deep down there was still a thought , residing in me;
That Iife hasn't been bestowed in me ,
For just to complain, and end it this way .
I indeed must also have a purpose !
A purpose, which I am unable to think now ;
Ending my life,
Would put all these questions to rest !
But would then ,
Make the rumours about me a statement .
A statement, which are against my faith ;
Against the seeds of thoughts germinating within me !
If I believed in them, then I would loose a chance ;
A chance, to ever be able to interact with a version of me, of whom I dream.
"This life, sure is hard", I said ;
"But, so are dreams", I then recalled .
So with my boat, full of this thought and my dreams,
I have rebelled against these tides of life .
The journey for me, has just started !
But, It would be worth to watch I believe .
And, I have kept walking with this thought on this path .
This thought which now indeed has become my belief .