Come, let us learn a lesson today.
The lesson of the 'selfish time' !
Selfish is the time and swift is its pace.
It neither waits for the procrastinator,
Nor for the doer.
It neither knows the rich nor the poor.
It but knows its purpose.
It stops for a while, only when it has to
Reward one or punish another.
How selfish is time, isn't it?
'Time' hardly takes time to care.
It just arrives and it fleets.
'Time' never wastes a single second.
It makes use of every second.
The selfishness of time is enough
For us to learn from.
It's time that always knocks at our door.
Time is selfish yet it harms none.
Time accomplishes everything on time.
It waits for none.
Time knows that it's okay to be
Selfish at times when you harm none.
Let's try to not waste time.
Let's try to be like the 'selfish time'.
Copyright Shaheen Akhtar.
Day 5,
Theme - Time and tied waits for none.