After all your accomplishment and hard work, you also get more overloaded works.
Your are frustrated enough but still to go ahead without any complains.
You try to keep your mind cool all the time with all your positive vibes then stress pulls you down.
Making your heart strong not to cry but a drop of tear break your self-confidence brain.
You cry a lot, a lot that no one to stop but still the burdens seen to be high.
Then with all your courage you wake up for yourself, raise your hands, rub your tears and stand for your rights to live a peaceful life.
We may find more tougher situation with times but every time it makes us stronger to fight against,
the only need is to initiate.
The lines from "Ode to the West Wind" by P.B. Shelly
"If winter comes, can spring be far behind?"
Even though we may get harder and harder at this time but the glorious beauty of upcoming times will be far more peaceful than anything you ever get in light.