You'll never know the real feeling of another person. May be surely you'll recognize their feeling but not the exactly same way. It may be love, care, anger, suffering, sadness, guilt, madness,etc. we never ever could know how exactly that person feel. May be, you could feel the same but little or sometimes very worse than them but never exactly the same.
The person may be right now want to end his life due to his situation; may be he might fed up of his life but suicide is not his option; or he might have fight against his circumstances but lacks due to financial problems; he had served from all his side but his mistakes pushed him backs; he might have won the whole match but his results drown him again; his health is ruining but he is trying; that's all or might be not, we never know the exact current condition of a person, we might judge them or with sympathy consoled them. And then what?
You know what, you might talk of great victories of the Mahabharata but one thing that you are living in this Kaliyug: the one who feed snakes will be bitten. REMEMBER THAT!
When you are left all alone suffering from the brain, heart and eyes. People may come to support you but you feel just no need of anyone even when your parents leaves you; your friend betrays you and the love ones cheated you after giving all your best; you are mentally stressed out with your works and no financial back support and that the last moment you are at the disaster.................
HOLD ON!!!!!!!
That the very moment when you survived!
After all your possible efforts with the 0% of expectant result but having believe in yourself more than any other person right now is the great food for your subconscious mind. Just have faith in yourself.
In this materialistic world of life everyone is alone, the only need is to know the life. The need is to develop your own world within yourself.
Loneliness is ones own solidarity experience; sometimes we are all alone or even alone within everyone.
Just fly high without any fear of separation or guilt. The world is waiting for you!