Where has the sense gone?
Sense of love and humanity.
Where has the spirit gone?
Spirit of game and clarity.
Has the iPad taught us gentleness?
Or has it induced laziness.
Does the mobile make us feel?
As the letters we used to mail.
Does ever increasing money make us happy?
Or lead us to corrupt policy.
Can the rich feed the child ?
Why they need the poor maid ‘mild’.
We becoming an educated bomb?
To murder girls in the womb.
More money but less happiness.
More honey but less sweetness.
More festivities but less fun.
More security but less safety.
Is it a techno world ball?
Or techno hell on the fall.
For all those claiming it modernization,
I wonder if it is degradation.
© Snehal

True words.
Nice bro 👌 .
Perfect words for today's world!
You are right bother.