As a child I wanted ;
To just grow, into an adult .
So that I could see ;
Every colour of this world .
I dreamt ,
To create something mystical ;
Maybe, a world full of colours !
But as I grew up ;
I saw, something bizarre .
Though there were many colours ;
But the world ,
Was divided in only a few .
At first, I thought ;
Maybe, this is not the case .
And this concept of colour ;
Is just new .
But, later on I realized ;
That it was not actually so .
The stories I heard ;
Have now ,
Brought my spirits low .
In the name of colour ,
People being murdered, Tortured;
Their spirits butchered .
News about ,
Suppression and oppression ;
On basis of colour ;
Was now ,
Everywhere being featured .
Sometimes in friendly banters ;
Or, in teachings ,
Of their mentors ;
The seeds of it ,
Unintentionally were sown .
But, the ones ,
Who were at the,
Receiving end of this;
Are now forever gone .
But, still ,
When we speak about it ;
We are asked to stay silent .
For our dear ones ;
We, even agree to do so .
But does this stop ;
These episodes of violence ?
Whether it be ,
Homes,offices or place of worship ;
None are actually ,
Safe from the roots of racism .
Silence and ignorance ;
Are a bliss for them .
If seen properly ;
An open invitation to them .
So speak up for them !
For, we are all ;
The creation of One .
We need to raise our voice ;
Until this demon ,
Is able to harm none .
#NotoRacism #BlackLivesMatter #BLM