Excess of anything can kill. I've heard and now I know. Even water that quenches Can burst your cells open, In excess you'll explode, In excess it will swiftly Clutch your hands tight, And drag you to your grave. But can there ever be an excess Of the love, in me, that breathes An excess of my tenderness, That, for you, my heart feels An excess of this craving An excess of this longing, Harboured deep within Tragical yet raw. Without your love shower, I turn into a barren land, Bearing no bloom, Lifeless and dry. Days and years have rolled, Upon it, soon a decade will dawn. A love buried alive, Is dormant not dead. Rogue memories sweeping by, Even a tiny spark, ignites a fire. My beloved, Pouring to the brim, On your love drink, I've feasted to my fill. But my hunger is well-deep, It never seems to cease. In this hunger, In this longing, I shall soon decease. Will your love be my poison Or come to my rescue And save me from my death Perhaps, only time will tell.
amazing..... girl
❣️❣️ beautiful
Awesome 👏